Sample Cohabitation Agreement Manitoba

If you and your partner are planning to move in together in Manitoba, it`s important to consider a cohabitation agreement. A cohabitation agreement is a legal document that outlines the expectations and responsibilities of each partner in the relationship. It can help prevent misunderstandings and conflicts in the future and protect your individual assets and interests.

A cohabitation agreement is not only for couples who are planning to live together for the long term. It can also be useful for couples who are entering into a short-term living arrangement, such as sharing a rental apartment or buying a property together.

The following is a sample cohabitation agreement for Manitoba:


This cohabitation agreement is made on [date], between [partner1 name], of [address], and [partner2 name], of [address], collectively referred to as “the partners”.


The purpose of this agreement is to establish the rights and responsibilities of each partner during their cohabitation. It also outlines what will happen if the relationship ends.

Living Arrangements

The partners agree to live together at [address]. They will share the expenses of the household, including rent, utilities, and groceries, in a fair and reasonable manner.

Financial Arrangements

Each partner will maintain their own separate bank account and will be solely responsible for their own debts. The partners may open a joint bank account for shared expenses, but they will not be responsible for each other`s debts or liabilities.

In the event of a breakup, the partners agree to divide their joint bank account equally.

Property Rights

Each partner retains ownership of the property they bring into the relationship. Any property acquired jointly will be shared equally.

In the event of a breakup, each partner will keep the property they brought into the relationship, and any jointly acquired property will be divided equally.


The partners will share responsibility for household chores and maintenance in a fair and reasonable manner.

If one partner becomes unable to contribute to the household, the other partner may request a renegotiation of the financial arrangements.

Dispute Resolution

If disputes arise, the partners agree to attempt to resolve them through mediation. If mediation is unsuccessful, they may seek legal action.


Either partner may terminate this agreement with written notice to the other partner.


A cohabitation agreement can help establish clear expectations and prevent misunderstandings in a relationship. If you are considering living with a partner in Manitoba, it is important to consult with a lawyer to draft a cohabitation agreement that meets your specific needs and circumstances.