Painting Contractors Association Texas

202 Banbury Victoria, TX 77904 361-935-7020 Website: Email: (ASA – Houston) (ASA – North Texas) (ASA – Rio Grande Valley) (ASA – San Antonio) Today, this legacy lives on as PCA is the only official trade association dedicated to the success of more than 300,000 paint companies in the United States and Canada. Through business education and training, community and the seal of industry standards, we are committed to upholding the principles established by our predecessors to enhance the skills, reputation and ethics of our industry. 5629 FM 1960 West, Suite 354 Houston, TX 77069 281-440-4380 ~Fax 281-440-4386 Email: Executive Vice President, Glenn Rex Website: Share trade secrets and best practices with other entrepreneurs. American Subcontractors Association (National Affiliate) 1004 Duke Street Alexandria, VA 22314-3588 703-684-3450 ~ Fax 703-836-3482 Email: Website: Painting Contractors Association is dedicated to the success of painting companies by adhering to industry standards, providing world-class education, and building a community of like-minded colleagues. Learn from industry experts and other entrepreneurs. The history of painting and decorating contractors of America dates back to 1884, when it was founded by a group of entrepreneurs. PDCA`s first name was the Master House Painters` Association of the United States and Canada. It was created on September 15. January 1885 in New York with the specific purpose of tackling the abuse of industry and repairing a faulty apprenticeship system, solving problems caused by unsatisfactory materials, and developing a way to assure the public of the “competence, honorable reputation, and honesty” of master painters.

2225 East Randol Mill Road, Suite 625 Arlington, TX 76011 817-640-0958 ~Fax 817-640-1127 Email: National Subcontractors Alliance (National Affiliate) Attn: Lynne Black, Executive Director 76 E. North Street Akron, OH 44304 Phone: 866-889-9701 Fax: 330-762-9960 Email: In 2019, the association officially used the name Painting Contractors Association (PCA) instead of PDCA Be better aligned with the mission and remain relevant in the industry. 200 W Highway 6 Waco, TX 76712 254-300-4544 Email: Mason Contractors Association of America (National Affiliate) 1910 South Highland Avenue, Suite 101-630-705-4200 ~Fax 630-705-4209 Email: Website: PO Box 170125 Austin, TX 78717-512-663-6629 Email: Website: From the beginning, PCA has been committed to solving the problems of painting companies. As early as 1884, the community of master house painters came together to correct a flawed apprenticeship system, solve problems created by the misuse of appropriate materials, and assure the public of the “competence, honorable reputation, and honesty” of master painters. NUCA Texas Email: PO Box 331694 Fort Worth, TX 76163 682-219-8064 We are committed to bringing together the best and brightest so we can improve commerce and our lives together. National Electrical Contractors Association (National Affiliate) 3 Bethesda Metro Center Bethesda, MD 20814 301-657-3110 ~Fax 301-215-4500 Website: PO Box 1087 Cedar Park, TX 78630 512-255-6373 ~Fax 512-535-6202 Email: Website: Use the Find A Painter search tool to communicate with potential clients and job seekers. Get expert insights through our daily podcasts – there`s a series for everyone. Get exclusive discounts on our state-of-the-art personal and virtual events such as: Get exclusive discounts on PCA training materials, such as: Mechanical Contractors Association of America (National Affiliate) 1385 Piccard Drive Rockville, MD 20850 301-869-5800~ Fax 301-990-9690 Website: . 682-234-1281 Rachel Parrent Email: Email: Website: Painting outsourcing may seem like a lonely profession. Growth can be painful and working against cheap competition makes it difficult to calculate what you`re worth. P.O.

Box 152282 Arlington, TX 76015 Email: Houston Area Division Email: Website: On June 4, 1928, PDCA was established as a non-profit corporation under the laws of the State of Illinois. In 1928, the name was changed again, this time to “Master Painters and Decorators, Incorporated”. On March 8, 1937, at the annual meeting in San Antonio, Texas, the name “Master Painters and Decorators, Incorporated” was changed to the current Painting and Decorating Contractors of America (PDCA). We will be a national advocate for trade and for your suppliers. National Glass Association (National Affiliate) 8200 Greensboro Drive McLean, VA 22102 866-342 -5642 ~Fax 703-442-0630 Email: Website: American Fire Sprinkler Association (National Affiliate) 12959 Jupiter Road, Suite 142 Dallas, TX 75238 214-349-5965 Fax ~214-343-8898 Email: Website: About HBA, you can find family-wide insurance plans to cover medical emergencies Serious. They can help you find coverage to save on doctor visits, low-cost prescription drugs, and preventive health services. Sign up to access all of our exclusive membership content. Painting & Decorating Contractors of America (National Affiliate) 11960 Westline Industrial Drive, Suite 201 St.

Louis, MO 63146-3209 800-332-7322 ~Fax 314-514-9417 Website: In 1890, the name was changed to “The Master House Painters and Decorators` Association of the United States of America”. In 1903, the name “and Canada” was restored and in 1904 the title was extended to “International Association of Master House Painters and Decorators”. Later, the Toronto Association was admitted as a member. In Richmond, Virginia, it was decided in 1903 to hold the 20th Congress in Toronto, Canada, during which a Canadian association was organized. Over the next 30 years, Canadian representatives were the most active in the affairs of the International Association, with two of them elected to the presidency. Canadian affiliation ended in 1933 on both sides of the border with great regret due to the legal complexity of supporting unification to the National Code Authority in the FDR administration. PO Box 310358 New Braunfels, TX 78131-0358 866-944-7262 website By becoming a PCA entrepreneur, you join a community of like-minded colleagues who build each other and hold each other accountable so we can all accomplish more together.

Follow our industry standards and get better quality results. C.P. box 210261, Bedford, TX 76095 972-482-6677 Everyone needs emotional and affordable health insurance. PCA announces affordable coverage for its members, let your crew access our online training portal where they can supplement our interactive courses with videos and quizzes and receive a certificate at the end. PO Box 5186 Kingwood, TX 77325 877-894-3011 ~Fax 281-361-8069 Email: Website: PO Box 269 Fredericksburg, TX 78624 972-272-8084 ~Fax 972-276-4736 Email: Website: PO Box 190412 Dallas, TX 75219 214-557-0356 ~Fax 817-461-0686 Email: Website: Streamline your onboarding process with our 15 Video Trade Best Practice series…